2014世界新聞攝影獎公佈 1.)世界新聞攝影年度大獎:raising phones in an attempt to capture an inexpensive signal from neighboring Somalia
攝影:John Stanmeyer,攝於非洲吉布地共和國
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 原汁原味的內容在這裡 2.)人物肖像類單張首獎:a group of blind albino boys photographed in their boarding room
攝影:Brent Stirton,,攝於印度西孟加拉邦
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 3.)人物肖像報導類二等獎:young Egyptian bodybuilder, posing with his mother
攝影:Denis Dailleux,攝於埃及開羅
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 4.)新聞人物報導類首獎:two sisters living in the rural village of Merkenbrechts
攝影:Carla Kogelman,,攝於澳洲
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 5.)新聞人物報導類單張首獎:a woman reacting in disappointment after access to see former South Africa President
攝影:Markus Schreiber,攝於南非
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 6.)一般新聞報導類首獎:Typhoon Haiyan ripped through the Philippines on November 9
攝影:Chris McGrath ,攝於菲律賓
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 7.)一般新聞報導類單張首獎:an emergency refugee center in an abandoned school
攝影:Alessandro Penso,攝於保加利亞首都索菲亞
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 8.)一般新聞報導類二等獎:demonstrators gather on a street in Bangui
攝影:William Daniels,攝於中非共和國首都班基
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 9.)突發新聞類首獎:Syrian rebel fighters take cover amid flying debris
攝影:Goran Tomasevic,攝於敘利亞
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 10.)突發新聞類二等獎:a woman and children hiding after gunmen had opened fire in the Westgate mall
攝影:Tyler Hicks,攝於東非肯亞首都奈洛比
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 11.)突發新聞單張類首獎:survivors of typhoon Haiyan march during a religious procession in Tolosa
攝影:Phillipe Lopez,攝於海燕颱風侵襲的菲律賓
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 12.)當代新聞議題類首獎:A Portrait of Domestic Violence
攝影:Sara Naomi Lewkowicz ,攝於美國俄亥俄州
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 13.)當代新聞議題報導類首獎:As the fight continued to rage
攝影:Sara Naomi Lewkowicz,攝於美國
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 14.)日常生活報導類首獎:clothes that are found become the only means to identify victims
攝影:Fred Ramos,攝於薩爾瓦多
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 15.)日常生活報導類單張首獎:Kachin Independence Army fighters drinking and celebrating
攝影:Julius Schrank,攝於緬甸
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 16.)運動特寫類單張首獎:Swedish athlete Nadja Casadei feeling better just before her last treatment
攝影:Peter Holgersson,攝於瑞典
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 17.)運動報導類二等獎:a competitor at a slalom contest in Szczyrk
攝影:Andrzej Grygiel,攝於波蘭
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 18.)運動報導類三等獎:Daniel Arnamnart of Australia competing in the men's 100-meter backstroke
攝影:Quinn Rooney,攝於澳洲Adelaide
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 19.)自然新聞類首獎:a cougar walking a trail in Los Angeles' Griffith Park
攝影:Steve Winter,攝於美國洛杉磯
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 20.)自然新聞類三等獎:a five-year-old bonobo of a wild group of bonobos
攝影:Christian Ziegler,攝於剛果民主共和國
圖片來自:http://www.worldpressphoto.org/ 21.)自然新聞類單張首獎:Fennec fox, a species in danger
攝影:Bruno D'Amicis ,攝於突尼西亞Kebili Region
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